This book presents a first of its kind approach that describes critical components for sustainable Lean management. The handbook shows how managers at all levels of the organization can integrate Lean into their daily management activities. It also defines the Lean philosophy, beliefs and behaviors required to develop a thriving Lean company culture. Packed with detailed examples and step-by-step instructions, it's the ideal handy reference guide to help mangers and leaders make the transition from the classroom to the field. It will feature brief summaries and examples of the most important tools in Lean management systems development.
Chapter 1 : Introduction to Lean Management
Chapter 2 : History of Lean
Chapter 3 : House of Lean Management
Chapter 4 : Lean Management Systems
Chapter 5 : Lean Socio-Technical System: On Developing a Lean Culture
Chapter 6 : Lean Educational System
Chapter 7 : Waste Identification
Chapter 8 : Waste Quantification: Learning to Measure
Chapter 9 : Lean Concepts, Tools, and Methods
Chapter 10 : Three Faces of Change : Kaizen, Kaikaku, and Kakushin
Chapter 11 : Lean Thinking 101
Chapter 12 : Integrating Lean Management with DMAIC/DMADV
Chapter 13 : Integrating Lean and Theory of Constraints
Chapter 14 : Lean Management System : Organizational Master Plan
Chapter 15 : The Need for Facilitation
Chapter 16 : Facilitating Lean Management Systems : Developing a Lean Culture and Change Management Environment
Epilogue : The Shadow of the Leader in a Systems Thinking Environment
Appendix A : Lean Six Sigma Body of Knowledge
Appendix B : Glossary